As shown the quiz of «Our House» in the social network, people of Soligorsk is needn`t in mountains of gold, but opposite they need the simplest things in the world: a new policlinic, pedestrian underpass and traffic lights on opposite side of the school № 9. But as shown by past experience, the authorities do not want to pay attention on some of the problems. Therefore, «Our House» invented a new way to attract the attention of deputies and officials. But while we keep the intrigue and tell you about urban problems in more detail.

«Soligorsk is need in one more another clinic. Already from 5 am a lot of of people take their turn to get the ticket (for receipt). Constant welter, congestion, lack of benches in the waiting rooms … It’s easier to go to a clinic in another city, «- says the social network subscriber of «Our House»`s community. It is not the first year, when people crying about this problem. Several years ago, public activists of Soligorsk raised up this issue, wrote appeals. And in 2009, the chief of the executive committee Alexander Rimashevsky personally checked whether all is so bad as the Mass media wrote. And was unpleasantly surprised. Enraged, after waiting for many hours in queues to a doctor’s office, customers spoke to the authorities doesn`t particularly respectful. However, nothing was changed since that time.

Another actual problem is the lack of pedestrian underpasses in Soligorsk. According to residents, on the roads with more then 3 lanes in the same direction underpasses are required.

In 2012, was built the only one pedestrian underpass, but even it is out of town.

And the third problem, according the opinion of the citizens — is the lack of traffic lights opposite the school № 9. Previously, it wasn`t paying attention on this problem. But, how the users of social networks of «Our House» say, the establishment of a traffic light in this place will prevent accidents with children.

And now we reveal the curtains. In a nearest future, «Our House» is going to hold a flash mob, that`s goal is to attract the attention of authorities of the necessity to solve the problems. The details of future action will be yet in secret . And now the campaign «Our House» wants to appeal to our readers and say that participation in our flash mobs is very important. Together, we are the power!

On cooperation write on
Alexander Gluck
P.S. A bit later, this information also was posted by independent site

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